Cancer, Accidental Injury, and Critical Illness Insurance Policy

A health worker with a patient | Critical Illness Insurance

Critical Illness Insurance Plans

Overcoming illness throughout life is essential for enjoying and appreciating growing old. Having safeguards for possible health issues along the way lets people do more, whether it’s for work or leisure.

Voluntary critical illness insurance is extremely valuable when a diagnosis occurs. With benefits ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 paid directly to the employee, the coverage could pay for the total cost of the ailment treatments. Critical illness plans cover a wide range of serious health events such as:

  • Coma
  • Coronary artery bypass graft surgery
  • End-stage renal failure
  • Heart attack
  • Major human organ transplant
  • Paralysis
  • Persistent vegetative state
  • Sudden cardiac arrest
  • Stroke
  • Third-degree burns

Cancer Insurance Plans

Cancer is a severe health issue and is the second leading cause of death in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimated that 1.8 million people received a cancer diagnosis, and approximately 606,520 Americans died from a cancer-related illness in 2020 alone.

Aside from critical illness insurance, cancer care policies can give you peace of mind. Typically costing about $20 to $40 per month, cancer insurance will pay for things medical insurance doesn’t cover. A high-quality cancer insurance policy will pay for the following:

  • Chemotherapy
  • Medicine
  • Radiation treatment
  • Some policies might also promise increased benefits after a lengthy hospital stay.

A special note with cancer care plans is that it is not for everyone, and you have to be eligible in order to purchase it. If you have a family history with cancer, then purchasing this insurance may be a good option for you.

Accidental Injury Plans

Accidents happen all the time, regardless of the time, place, and activity, which can lead to temporary disabilities or serious injuries. Investing in something that will assist in terms of treatment costs can save you from unexpected financial burdens.

Injury insurance helps handle the medical and out-of-pocket expenses that add up after an accidental injury. This includes emergency treatment, hospital stays and medical exams. With plans costing as low as $20/month, accident insurance covers the following injuries:

  • Burns
  • Concussions
  • Dislocations
  • Fractures

If you have an active lifestyle, have small children, or are prone to injuries, then accident insurance may be for you. Midwest Employee Benefits provides insurance products such as critical illness plans, cancer insurance, and other policies for all your needs. Send us a message to set up an appointment.

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